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Video_camera_icon_svg - Videos - Audio
Book_(21025)_-_The_Noun_Project - Text - App
- Starts from absolute beginner

Comprehensible Input Resources[edit | edit source]

60 Latin Youtube Channels Organized Video_camera_icon_svg : Amazing and comprehensive but might be overwhelming to sift through for a brand-new beginner. The channels with stars next to their names are most recommended by the list creator.

ScorpioMartianus Video_camera_icon_svg

Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata Video_camera_icon_svg Book_(21025)_-_The_Noun_Project : Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata: Familia Romana is THE beginner textbook for learners seeking comprehensible input. Audio recordings of the entire book by Luke Ranieri are available on YouTube for free.

Found in Antiquity: Latin Video_camera_icon_svg

Beginner Latin A - Comprehensible Input Video_camera_icon_svg

Beginner Latin B - Comprehensible Input Video_camera_icon_svg

Latinitium Video_camera_icon_svg

Legentibus : An app with lots of meaningful beginner reading material + audio recordings of each. It also has Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata: Familia Romana in text and audio form, albeit missing marginalia and illustrations. 10 USD/month.

Magister Craft Video_camera_icon_svg

Satura Lanx Video_camera_icon_svg

Quomodo Dicitur

Learn Latin through Conversations with Caesar - Ayan Academy Book_(21025)_-_The_Noun_Project

Legonium Book_(21025)_-_The_Noun_Project

Toda-lly Comprehensible Latin stories Book_(21025)_-_The_Noun_Project: Beginner stories from a Latin teacher using CI.

Dinosaurs Speak Latin Book_(21025)_-_The_Noun_Project

Novella List - Magister P Book_(21025)_-_The_Noun_Project: Huge list of Latin novellas with sheltered vocabulary. Note that this resource is intended more for teachers than it is for students or self-learners. Also keep in mind that beginner Latin novellas tend to be written by teachers in their spare time, and many contain errors! This shouldn't harm you greatly if you're just starting out and need comprehensible reading material, but it's best not to use these as textbooks, or examples of "proper" or "authentic" Latin, unless you can verify the quality of the text.